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RCA2024 | MA Jewellery and Metal Postgraduate Exhibition

My RCA2024 installation consisted of three closely related object series: Z/G/T/H, Swerve and Fold/


Aim / Research Question / Research Statement – explore materiality and thinghood in the context of posthuman and post-anthropocentric deconstruction of human/non-human binary/boundary and experimental worlding of dehierarchised narratives of pan-material kinship/

Methodology – dynamic-rhizomatic material-theoretical enquiry/ collaborative transmaterial intuition/ absolute unconditional trust in the material process/

Methods – experimental enamelling on copper/ copper hand manipulating and electroforming/ field recordings/ interactive soundscape building/

Keywords – non-hierarchical / vibrancy / defamiliarisation / connection / boundaries / materiality / process / change / non-destructive / experimental/


Everything is process/ Creatures are not complete completed/ They wait/ they breathe/ they rest/ they incubate new/ What is coming is unknown and exciting electrifying exhilarating/ I want to be there when the new emerges/ Want to be part/ I am part/


Soil is the essence/ the beginning of everything/ the ground everything folds back into/ along the wild human liminal constructed nourishing dirty breathing producing productive objectified unassuming alive deconstructed pulsating hard overgrown bare cosmic stratified disrespected dark celestial magnificent rock hard smelly trampled trashed defaced deep mysterious occupied entangled enmeshed essential crawly binding muddy sticky rhizomatic paths/ across strata despite boundaries/


Wires are instrumental/ They connect things to one another/ to us and our devices/ pull entangle them even tighter into the zoe/geo/techno assemblages/


Sound is the invisible matter/ the perfect metaphor/ It permeates bodies and spaces/ shifts dissolves the boundaries/ dynamically occupies space/ We enter other bodies with our sounds/ Other bodies permeate us with their sounds/ Sound extends our bodies into infinity/


As I interact with the creature-things we become entangled/ As matter transcends the familiar/ I realise the boundaries have always been unsharp/ Our materiality…../ My body partakes in the endless change/ familiarity becomes obsolete/ Shifting and entangled/ new brings itself into being/ Unstable excited breathing the same breath/ we groan and hatch together/


Rooted in the soil/ powered by the tide cycles under Battersea Bridge/ my work focuses on deconstructing human-centred hierarchies and engaging in boundary-dissolving practices through inviting the audiences to get involved with ambiguous installations of defamiliarised objects and sounds/


By shifting away from the human-focused perspective of reading the world/ from the familiar the repressive the habitual and the prescribed/ I explore the potential for more free and more just/ different/ exciting/ rich/ enriching and deeply stimulating life/




Swerve [1] and Swerve [2], experimental enamel on copper, found objects, 2024.

Z/G/T/H [2], experimental enamel on copper, sound, 2024.


Fold [4], experimental enamel on copper, 2024.

 2024 RCA Student Profile